Blood Bank – 03

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1. Blood is regulated by which of the following:
2. In a patient who is not actively bleeding or hemolyzing, one unit of pRBCs can be expected to raise the hematocrit:
3. Blood can be transfused with which of the following:
4. A donor should be deferred indefinitely for all of the following EXCEPT:
5. All of the following are true with respect to anticoagulant / preservative solutions and storage in packed red cells EXCEPT:
6. How long does a donor have to wait between whole blood donations:
7. What is the maximum systolic blood pressure allowed to donate blood:
8. All of the following are true with regards to quality control for blood products EXCEPT:
9. A Rh negative mother gives birth to a Rh positive son. Based on the information shown for case #1 on the website, how many vials of Rhogam should be given?
  • KB% = 3%
  • Baby Weight = 4 kg
  • Maternal Weight = 70 kg
  • Paternal Weight = 100 kb
10. A donor indicates he is taking finasteride (Propecia, Proscar). He is informed that he will have to wait one month from the last dose before he can donate blood. Which of the following also requires a one month delay from the last dose before an individual is eligible to donate blood?