Odontogenic Lesions – 01

Author:  Philip Ferguson, M.D.

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1. A 30 y/o male presents with an odontogenic lesion. Based on the findings in the images associated with Case #4 below, the best diagnosis is:

Odontogenic Part 1, Case #4
Odontogenic Part 1, Case #4

Odontogenic Part 1, Case #4
Odontogenic Part 1, Case #4
2. Tomes’ fibers, which are 200µm long unmyelinated nerve fibers, are found in which of the following tooth associated structures, and are responsible for sensation?
3. A 30 y/o male presents with a cystic odontogenic lesion. Based on the findings in the images associated with Case #5 below, the best diagnosis is:

Odontogenic Part 1, Case #5
Odontogenic Part 1, Case #5

Odontogenic Part 1, Case #5
Odontogenic Part 1, Case #5

Odontogenic Part 1, Case #5
Odontogenic Part 1, Case #5
4. This lesion arose in a 25 y/o male, and was associated with an embedded tooth. Based on the images for Case #1 in the images below, the best diagnosis is:

Odontogenic Part 1, Case #1
Odontogenic Part 1, Case #1

Odontogenic Part 1, Case #1
Odontogenic Part 1, Case #1

Odontogenic Part 1, Case #1
Odontogenic Part 1, Case #1
5. Cysts that occur at the junctions of developing structures in the head and neck are called:
6. All of the following are needed to accurately classify an odontogenic cyst EXCEPT:
7. This lesion is characterized by thin layer of para-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium with a corrugated appearance and a prominent palisaded basal layer. The best diagnosis is:
8. A 12 year old male presented to a dental office with an asymptomatic swelling of the right posterior mandible. He was referred to an oral surgeon, and representative images of the histology are presented in Case #6 below. Based on the findings, the best diagnosis is:

Odontogenic Part 1, Case #6
Odontogenic Part 1, Case #6

Odontogenic Part 1, Case #6
9. This cyst develops from epithelial rests of Malassez after tooth development, has a non-keratinized squamous epithelial lining, and is located at the root of a non-vital tooth. The best diagnosis is:
10. All of the following are specific patterns of an ameloblastoma EXCEPT:
11. Which of the following embryologic elements is responsible for the formation of dentin?
12. A cystic lesion arises in a 32 y/o male. Based on the images below for Case #3, the best diagnosis is:

Odontogenic Part 1, Case #3
Odontogenic Part 1, Case #3

13. Which of the following tumors is characterized by sheets of hyperchromatic, pleomorphic cells with foci of mineralization. These islands and sheets of cells are dispersed throughout a nonspecific fibrous stroma. Foci of eosinophilic material c/w amyloid by congo red staining are also found with this tumor. The best diagnosis is:
14. A cystic lesion is found in a 27 y/o female. Based on the images for Case #2 on the website for this question set, the best diagnosis is:

Odontogenic Part 1, Case #2
Odontogenic Part 1, Case #2

Odontogenic Part 1, Case #2
Odontogenic Part 1, Case #2