Statistics – 01

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1. Of the series of numbers { 1,3,3,3,4,5,5,7,8 }, calculate the mode, median, and mean, respectively.
2. To validate a previously established reference range, what is the minimal number of healthy person samples needed?
3. For a test without a Gaussian distribution, what is the minimal number of representative samples needed to establish a reference range?
4. Which of the following correlation coefficients (r) represents the minimal number you would like to see when validating a new test?
5. If 20 tests were performed on a “healthy” individual, what is the likelihood all of the results will be within the reference range?
6. A series of data for a new clinical lab test has a Gaussian distribution. What percent of the data will be more than 3 standard deviations above the mean?
7. A new instrument is installed for CBCs, and a correlation test is performed. The reference method is plotted on the X-axis and the new method on the Y-axis for multiple samples tested. Linear regression analysis is performed (y=mx + b). Which of the following represents the correlation coefficient, r?
8. For a test with a Gaussian distribution, what is the minimum number of representative samples needed to determine a reference range?
9. Of the following answers, which is the best tool to detect bias between two different methods?
10. The coefficient of variation best represents which of the following: