Tag Archives: UDH

Breast – UDH vs. ADH

A common differential diagnosis in breast lesions is between usual type hyperplasia (UDH) and atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH)/ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).  In difficult cases there are some immunohistochemical patterns, which may be helpful to differentiate between diagnoses.  UDH has  mosaic expression pattern with HMWK  (high molecular weight keratins) (e.g. CK5 or CK5/6) whereas ADH/DCIS typically does not.  ADH/DCIS does typically has strong uniform up regulation of estrogen receptor (ER) in contrast to UDH.
Cellular Population
Florid UDH
True hyperplasia contains a mixture of cell types (streaming, slit-like spaces)
Clonal population of monotonous cells with rigid “punched-out” spaces
CK Expression
Florid UDH
Mixture of basal cells (CK5/14/17) and luminal cells (CK7/8/18)
Monotonous population of luminal cell types (CK 7/8/18)
ER Expression
Florid UDH
Variable patchy expression
Usually uniform strong expression
Breast Cancer Relative Risk
Florid UDH
Slightly increased (1.5-2 X)
Moderately increased (3.7-5.3 X)
Diagnostic Features
Florid UDH
Cellular Population
True hyperplasia contains a mixture of cell types (streaming, slit-like spaces)
Clonal population of monotonous cells with rigid “punched-out” spaces
CK Expression
Mixture of basal cells (CK5/14/17) and luminal cells (CK7/8/18)
Monotonous population of luminal cell types (CK 7/8/18)
EP Expression
Variable patchy expression
Usually uniform strong expression
Breast Cancer R.R.
Slightly increased (1.5-2X)
Moderately increased (3.7-5.3X)


Hicks DG. Immunohistochemistry in the diagnostic evaluation of breast lesions. Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol. 2011;19(6):501–505. doi:10.1097/PAI.0b013e31822c8a48.
Liu H. Application of immunohistochemistry in breast pathology: a review and update. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2014;138(12):1629–1642. doi:10.5858/arpa.2014-0094-RA.